Eggless Pancakes Recipe: Fluffy and Delicious Breakfast Idea

Eggless Pancakes Recipe: Fluffy and Delicious Breakfast Idea

Pancakes – traditional pancakes for breakfast, as in American cuisine. These are a cross between pancakes and fritters. Bake pancakes in a dry frying pan and serve on a plate, abundantly covered with syrup. Often pancakes are served with fruits, berries and chocolate drops.

Cooking time – 35mins
4 servings
178 kcal per 100 g


Flour – 2 cups
Sugar – 2 tablespoons
Soda – 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
Salt – 1 pinch
Kefir – 500 g (Mount Olympus Pure Foods -Cows’ or Goats’ Milk Kefir plain)
Syrup or honey


For the preparation of pancakes without eggs, you will need flour, Kefir, vegetable oil, salt, soda and sugar.

Pour the Kefir into a deep dish; add sugar (with this amount of sugar pancakes are slightly sweet), salt, one teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt. Mix well with a whisk. Set aside for a while.

After ten minutes, soda will react with the Kefir.

Now add two glasses of flour and one full tablespoon of vegetable oil. Stir well and allow to stand for another ten minutes. The dough should turn out like a thick sour cream.

Bake pancakes in a dry frying pan as follows:

Wet a kitchen towel, put it next to the worktop beside the cooker. If the worktop is not made of stone, place a cutting board under it. Heat the frying pan, put it on the wet towel for a few seconds, then return it to the hob. Pour in half a ladle of dough. When a lot of bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, you can flip the pancake. Bake on medium heat.

These pancakes are prepared very quickly.

Anticipating the question of why a wet towel is used, I show the result.

On the right, pancakes cooked in a traditional way; on the left, the colour and quality is very different, is not it?

Serve the pancakes with liquid honey or honey or syrup; if there is a couple of bananas and a little chocolate, it will be just deliciously delicious!

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